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Saturday, 11 February 2012

Don't stop me know i'm having such a good time....

Stop a runner from running and some thing has to give so despite still suffering with a patellar injury i went for a short run today, its been 2 weeks since i last ran. 3 miles and i felt very strong on the only climb, it was great to get out in the fresh air. 

The moors look great in the snow and a recent rain shower soon froze to leave a layer of ice over everything. The grass crunches under my feet and the rocks glisten in the sun light, the cold hurts my cheeks and my fingers went numb but it was still good to be out there running. 

The trails have frozen foot prints from a brief defrost which makes them treacherous but fun, it takes a great deal of focus (and luck) to stay upright and it feels more like "fell mincing" than fell running but this just adds to the pleasure. Today i would have paid good money to have been able to run further.

A days training amounts to a 3 mile run, an hour on the bike and an hours yoga, my only solace. Perhaps i will sit on the swiss ball and watch a film, the rest will do me some good and save my old limbs from further torture. Kay sera sera.

And that dogs staying in his kennel.

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